Peach3's latest single, "Cold Winter," explores the R&B trio’s yearning for their better half. Over a melancholic alternative R&B production, Kai, Mikki VI (6), and LB showcase their distinct vocal ranges as they express how their lovers have a hold on them. Despite the ups and downs in their relationships, one thing remains certain: they can't be without their twin flames. Through the chorus, the singers touch on how impactful their partner's presence is.
The lines "It's gon' be a cold winter, I'm just tryna lay up with ya/It's gon' be a cold December if I ain't out here with you babe" accentuate how important their significant others are to them.
Similarly "Cold Winter" offers listeners a glimpse into the dynamics of their relationships. Lyrics like "Make up then fight, you say I'm right/End of the night, what we even mad for?" and "Feeling so conflicted/Hurt me but I miss this/Toxic, I can't leave you alone" show others how they've weathered storms, even though their romance isn't always all sunshine and rainbows. At its core, Peach3's "Cold Winter" delves into themes of love, desire, and soul ties, capturing the complex nature of deep emotional connections.